Friday, April 17, 2009

Bear Parade

So I was up way earlier than normal for a super special event! My daughter Madi created a float for Higley Elementary's annual bear parade. Basically Madi had to design and create a float for her favorite Teddy Bear and parade it around the school this morning. I have to say I thought she did a good job for a second grader, there were some there that were definitely taken over by the parent no way a kid did some of these. Well, I have a couple pics :) I've gotten better about posting pics. The best part was when Madi hugged me and said thank you for coming, she really meant it not just a generic polite statement she was really happy I was there. I love being a stay at home mom, these are my rewards. :)


  1. i want to see pics of the kids who overdid it. that would probably be me, right?

    good for madi!! i'm also glad she smiled in the second pic.

  2. Really cute float! These pics are great!

  3. Lindsay that would DEFINITELY be you! And me...

  4. yeah, i agree. i spent most of today just thinking up ideas of a stellar float. just wait.
