Friday, April 10, 2009

Payson bitches!!!

Our girl time was so much fun and definitely worth it. Dawn's mom was so sweet to let all 10 of us ladies stay in her cabin in exchange forwatering her flowers. .. .. done! We hung out a little at the cabin after the drive up, mixed a few drinks then got ready to go out on the town. Yeah yeah it's just Payson! Dinner at El Rancho was not exactly the best mexican food I've had but it did the job and the best part was no one had to pay because Dawn's other rental was in twon and he paid! Awesomeness. So how is it that I spent all $100 of my money I brought you ask? That would be The Buffalo Bar, that's right we got down with old geezers at Buffalo Bar and Grill. At least the band had a cute Bass player. I also bought a paid of shorts that turned out to be a size too small but whateves now I have a size goal before our reunion. Yup, ten years reunion coming up. Oh Fuck.... Gotta go throw up my lunch and get my ass on the treadmill. See Ya!