Monday, March 30, 2009


For those of you that don't know me, I have three sisters and one brother. My oldest sister Trisha lives in NM and we are very close, maybe because we share the same parents. My brother and I are not close but we both know we are very loyal to each other and I would lay my life down for him. My younger sisters are a different story.... It's always been an up hill battle with them. They have a different dad than me so are "half-sisters" and it shows. They are also ten years younger than me so there's the immaturity barrier there too. I have recently decided to take a break from my relationship with them. I am very deeply hurt by them. I don't know when I will be able to move on from what they have done and how they have treated me. It's been this way for a while which is why I have finally come to this decision. If they weren't my sisters and they were friends or acquaintences I wouldn't have kept the relationship going this long. I know not to surround myself with people who are mentally and physcially abusive to me but because they are family I put up with it way too long. It kills me to do this but I really don't see any other way to make them stop hurting me. I am 28 years old with three children and way too old for all this drama and emotional abuse. I never thought I'd have to call the police on a family member. Actually calling the police at all is pretty WT. My heart feels raw and I hope it stops hurting soon. I get to go up to Payson with my closest girlfiends who have always been there for me throughout my whole life, whether I was a good friend or not. That's true friendship right there. It makes me sad to realize that my friends are better to me than my own family. But at the same time I am very touched that at least they care. I make myself this vow to always treat my friends as good as they have treated me. I am so lucky to have friends like them and I cannot wait to spend girl time with them this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. i just left you a long comment and it got deleted, so grrr, and i'll try to redo it!

    i'm so sorry this is still happening lo. seems like it's been a loooong time coming and perhaps the time apart will put things into perspective for all involved. Just remember that you are a seperate entity from your family and things they do don't have to affect you so much. you are amazing with or without them! :) we're all really glad you can make it up to Payson--can you believe there are 10 of us going? good times!
